We design sawmill knives specifi cally to the conditions at your plant – or in other words: Our sawmill knives are “cut” specifi cally to your application.
Our “SoWa Sawmill Optimised Tool Design” allows us to supply cutting tools which leave nothing to be desired and defi ne the standard in performance.
We manufacture HDS sawmill knives for Baljer & Zembrod, Bruks, Carmanah Kadant, Costa Righi, EWD, Haas, Hombak, Klöckner, Linck, Pallmann, Rudnick & Enners, SAB, Söderhamn, Springer, USNR, Vecoplan and Veisto HewSaw machines, among others.
PitchCut style sawmill knives yield an absolutely perfect cut; with this option the cutting angle of the primary chamfer is adapted to the various wood properties, and a pre-chamber and/or a counter chamfer will be added. PitchCut knives therefore feature the optimal cutting edge for a perfect cut.
A lot of things can often be even better. Here we pull out all the stops of constructional knife tuning and modify the geometry of the knife contours, and much more. With GeoCut style you receive a top class high-end knife customised for maximum cutting power in high performance applications.
We offer ThermoCut style sawmill knives for normal operating conditions, but also specifically for use in dirty wood or in severe climates such as processing very dry or frozen wood. The special heat treatment modifies the hardness, bending strength and fracture resistance for extreme conditions.
Our particularly robust SteelCut style sawmill knives provide an extra plus in terms of service life to the next sharpening cycle and the entire life of the knife. Here we use quite special heavy duty, premium quality chromium Steels or wear-resistant tipped cutting edges. SteelCut knives are particularly tough, which pays in the long run.