HDS . The Sawmill Tool Company


Our guide for continuous growth comes from nature

Growth depends on numerous factors. One of the most important is a fertile ground and an advantageous environment. This awareness has motivated us since 1999.

We find the explanation in the raw material to be processed. That is why HDS Sawmill Tools enjoys an excellent reputation in terms of high-quality products for individual timber processing in Sawmills.


2020 . HDS-Knives GmbH founded

By the foundation of HDS-Knives GmbH and the increase of further production halls in the same industrial area in Remscheid the manufacturing of machine knives und parts was expanded and the support to the large customers in wood-based material producing industry could be forced.


2019 . „Unmanned“ third shift

To be in the position to handle the backlog of orders and the pricing pressure, robots enable a third shift. Besides machine loading and unloading they take care of cleaning the workpieces and workholders and arrange milling, deburring or grinding of our sawmill tools.

Meilenstein 2019

2018 . Expansion of 5-axis machining

The production of our sawmill tools like circular saw blades, knives or system components is more and more made by 5-axis machining centers included automatic tool measuring in integrated magazines. Furthermore non-productive times hours could be reduced by using automatic pallet changers.

Meilenstein 2018

2016 . Again enlargement of production capacities

By reasons of an increase of needs for sawmills and therewith an excellent order situation, the production capacities had to be expanded. In another construction phase our places could be significantly enlarged.

Meilenstein 2016


Presentation of the new corporate design along with logo and the completely revised HDS-catalog with all the highlights of the SAWMILL TOOLS during the LIGNA in Hanover.

Titellbild HDS

2014 . Expanded administration and production

With the strong growth of the Sawmill Tools division the only 4 years old HDS building reached its capacity. Additional production halls and a new office wing were built.

Gebaeude Anbau

2013 . Acquisition of the saw factory WIJAG (Wilms Jansen Germany)

The integration of WIJAG shifted the focus of our sawmill tools business segment even more on the existing circular saw blade product group.

2013 BSZ-WiJAG

2011 . Business portfolio restructured

The growing focus on the sawmill division required restructuring of our business segments, resulting in today’s HDSGroup GmbH.

2011 HDS Group Logo

2010 . New building for administration and production

HDS moved into its first own, and back then quite spacious, company building in the Remscheid industrial park Bergisch Born.

Gebaeude Neubau

2009 . Acquisition of HT-Maschinenmesser GmbH

The integration of the Remscheid company HT-Maschinenmesser GmbH added to HDS Werkzeuge’s production.

2009 HT Logo

2004 . Acquisition of Remscheid’s machine cutting tool and saw factory vom Hoff GmbH

Only five years after HDS Werkzeug was founded, the business domain was expanded by integrating Remscheid’s cutting tool and saw manufacturer vom Hoff.

2004 vom Hoff GmbH Logo

1999 . HDS Werkzeuge founded

Engineering graduate Andreas Hindrichs, sole proprietor and general manager, who previously worked in the Engineering Department at saw manufacturer Felde, founded the company “HDS Werkzeuge” in Remscheid.

1999 HDS Werkzeuge Logo